Stay always ahead of the market with me!
You came here for a reason.
You're looking for an answer.You want money. Freedom. Control.You're tired of draining deposits, chasing other people's opinions, eating this endless stream of information crap that doesn't work.You know that.
I know that.I'm not gonna tell you fairy tales.I'm not going to show you pretty graphs and lie to you that everything is simple.
If you're going to read this, don't.
After a couple of scrolls down, you're gonna want to get out anyway. So don't even start. Drop it, drop it before it's too late.
Think carefully, should you keep reading, or should you go about your business?
I'm not here to beat the last of your money out of you, I'm here to prove to you that trading futures is not as hard as you imagine. You see those numbers, right? Anyone can do that if they kick their laziness to the curb. Yes, absolutely, I charge some money for spending my time on all of this. But remember and conclude
"The worker is worthy of the reward."
Before you buy something, think carefully, are you willing to waste your time?
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A must-read if you made it here.
If I don't understand anything about trading, what should I do?
I advise you to first read my book, which is specifically designed for those who are actually interested in trading. But if you realize that if you buy it, after three pages you will put it on the shelf, don't buy it. Just continue to languish in the embrace of your laziness. Don't waste my words or your money. Your choice is your prison.
Why am I doing this?
Why am I wasting my time with you?
Because I look at you and I'm sick to my stomach.
You want money. Freedom. Power. You're hungry for every word, hoping that this is the secret key. But you've been trained to eat shit and smile. You've been fed garbage. You've been sold beautiful fairy tales and you thank them like obedient sheep.
I've seen your kind. Been there myself. I've eaten the same crap, paid for the pretty packages, believed it was coming... and then sat back at a broken trough.
But I realized one thing.
There's only two kinds of people:
- Those who profit from your stupidity.
- And those who will show you how to get out of this shit.
And if you're here now, you still have a chance.
I'm not gonna give you a magic pill.
I'm not gonna pat you on the head.
I'm not gonna tell you it's gonna work.
But I will give you something that no one else will ever give you.
You want to keep being a victim? That's your business. Keep feeding the scammers.
But if you have any brains, you know what to do.
If you decide to stay and change something in your life, read on.
I won't spoon-feed you. I'm not gonna cajole you, I'm not gonna cajole you, I'm not gonna promise you gold.
You either want to get out of the shit, or you want to keep drowning. That's your choice.

I'm not giving you the garbage being pushed on this idiotic internet.
I don't sell you a dream, I don't wrap emptiness in a pretty cover.
I'm giving you what you really need.
You can keep running after "magic" indicators, pseudo-analysts and internet gurus who don't know what they're talking about.
Or you can open your eyes.
I have a book.
It won't suck up to you. It won't pat you on the head.
It won't draw you graphs or make you believe in miracles.
It's all text. Clean, hard, no water.
A text that will either give you a boost or shatter your illusions.
You read it, you'll change your mind about everything.
Continue to live in a sweet dream, I don't care.
The choice, as always, is yours.