I won't spoon-feed you. I'm not gonna cajole you, I'm not gonna cajole you, I'm not gonna promise you gold.
You either want to get out of the shit, or you want to keep drowning. That's your choice.
I'm not giving you the garbage being pushed on this idiotic internet.
I don't sell you a dream, I don't wrap emptiness in a pretty cover.
I'm giving you what you really need.
You can keep running after "magic" indicators, pseudo-analysts and internet gurus who don't know what they're talking about.
Or you can open your eyes.
I have a book.
It won't suck up to you. It won't pat you on the head.
It won't draw you graphs or make you believe in miracles.
It's all text. Clean, hard, no water.
A text that will either give you a boost or shatter your illusions.
You read it, you'll change your mind about everything.
Continue to live in a sweet dream, I don't care.
The choice, as always, is yours.